Recipe: Yummy Perut Ayam ala mami

Perut Ayam ala mami.

Perut Ayam ala mami You can have Perut Ayam ala mami using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Perut Ayam ala mami

  1. It's 250 gr of Terigu.
  2. You need 125 gr of Gula Pasir.
  3. You need 1 sdt of Ragi Instan.
  4. You need 125 ml of Air.
  5. Prepare 1/2 sdt of Baking Powder.
  6. Prepare 2 Butir of Telur.
  7. You need 1/4 sdt of Garam.
  8. You need 1/2 sdt of Vanili Bubuk.
  9. It's of Minyak Untuk Menggoreng.
  10. It's Gelas of Yang Bibirnya Lentur/Plastik Segitiga.

Perut Ayam ala mami step by step

  1. Campur Terigu, Vanili, Baking Powder, Garam, Ragi, Gula Aduk Rata.
  2. Kocok Lepas Telur Lalu Masukkan Sedikit2 Bergantian Dengan Air Kedalam Adonan Tepung.
  3. Setelah Bercampur Rata, Tutup Adonan Dengan Serbet Selama +/- 45 Menit.
  4. Setelah 45 Menit Buka Adonan & Cetak Melingkar Didalam Minyak Panas.
  5. Goreng Hingga Matang.

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