Recipe: Yummy 1. Roti Sosis lembut

1. Roti Sosis lembut.

1. Roti Sosis lembut You can cook 1. Roti Sosis lembut using 15 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of 1. Roti Sosis lembut

  1. You need 200 grm of Tepung protein tinggi (cakra).
  2. Prepare 30 grm of tepung protein sedang.
  3. It's 50 grm of Gula pasir/halus.
  4. You need 1 sdt of Ragi.
  5. You need 1 bh of kuning telur.
  6. It's 110 ml of susu (suhu ruangan).
  7. Prepare 50 grm of mentega /butter.
  8. It's 1/4 sdt of garam.
  9. Prepare of Topping.
  10. Prepare 8 bh of sosis.
  11. You need of keju.
  12. Prepare of saus tomat.
  13. Prepare of saus bolognese/bbq.
  14. It's of mayones.
  15. It's of parsly.

1. Roti Sosis lembut step by step

  1. Campur semua bahan kecuali mentega, adoni hingga setengah kalis.
  2. Setelah setengah kalis tuang mentega, adon kembali hingga kalis.
  3. Istirahat kan adonan di tutup kain/warp 40-60 menit hingga mengembang 2x.
  4. Setelah mengembang 2x kempeskan, timbang @60grm (jadi 8cup).
  5. Panaskan oven 170 api atas bawah.
  6. Gilas adonan pindah kan ke cup, istirahat kan 10-15 menit.
  7. Beri topping.
  8. Panggang roti di suhu 170 api atas bawah, 30menit /sesuaikan oven masing-masing.

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